Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dear 20-year-old me

Dear 20 year-old Mariposa,

You have the cutest butt ever! Keep working out, girl! ;)

You just started an amazing journey that will make your life different forever. Τhe one of social activism. Start talking as soon as possible, no-one can talk on behalf of you, no-one can say the things you have in your head for you! You will meet people that will be your friends for many years to come, you will be tear-gassed, you will feel the solidarity, you will cry watching "Land & Freedom". You will be educated in politics, economics, history.

You will meet an amazing guy and you will feel things that are rear and you only get to have them maybe 1-2 times in your life, if you're lucky. Don't expect him to change, he never will. You will not be with him forever, but he will be your friend for ever, no matter how impossible he can be sometimes. Don't wait for him, he will ALWAYS be late. Don't worry he's not the last great guy you'll meet, so don't cry your eyes out so much!

Don't try too hard with some idiots you'll meet. If they look like idiots from the beginning, it's because the are!

Ιf you get sprayed with tear gas in your eyes DON'T try to remove your contacts. Your hands have tear-gas on them as well... It will hurt like hell for hours and you'll end up in the hospital!

Be more daring, have your personal happiness as the center of your life.

Ask for that boss of yours for insurance! No, seriously!

A drop of lubricant on the tip of the condom prevents it from breaking.

Please go to a professional hair-dresser for a descent haircut... Red? no, not really...
Don't be so judgmental with weak people, there will be a time that you will be so weak you will not be able to go out of bed.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. You will definitely do when you won't have any other choice.

Don't be so judgmental against psychology, medication, depressive people. Anti-depressives are not (just) the way of the system to fix you up a little so you can go back to your job and be productive. They will literally save your life.

Be more daring. Don't be afraid about what others will say. Travel more, join a volunteer group and visit Kenya, the place you were conceived.

You will be an engineer and that's awesome! You will live abroad as you've always wanted to! Choose a different topic for your master's...

I have no idea if you'll ever be happy; really, not a fucking clue...
The cool part is that all the things you were late to do, you can do them later.


Anonymous said...

Dear 20 year old me, Greece will win the euro 2004, the bet is 150 to 1. And don't forget to hug your mother γαιδουρι.

Annielika said...

I cried when I watched it first time, and now when I read the comment... eeeh.