Monday, July 9, 2012

I promised

Yesterday, the fifth week of my 0-5K schedule was completed.
The last run was 25'. After it's been only 5 minutes I was already tired, so I was running at a really slow pace for the rest of my workout. I hope it was just one of the "bad days" because I'm feeling so shitty lately and so not motivated... My plan is not to think about the big picture, just wear my running shoes and get out of the house. Then, it's too late to go back and then you start running and theeen you wonder why the hell you're doing this to yourself. And THEN you feel like you went through another run and another day alive, and that's something, isn't it?

Tomorrow, I'm starting training for the 10K. I guess I'll be taking one day at a time (duh!).

These are the photos I promised I'd take, from the place I'm running this week. This purple color of the dirt road is all over my running shoes now :)


Annielika said...

Amazing! To run even only for these pictures is kind of great! :) Ej, and dont think to much, just get dressed, and run... :) and maybe you should share more when you feel so low and unmotivated... so you dont keep it inside of you.

Andr� Winter said...

Awesome! Congratulations! Beautiful pictures!

Mariposada said...

As my friend Papi C. said: "Crete is more beautiful than in your pictures!"
A compliment for Crete, not very kind for my pictures!

(Papi C. you've got issues, dude...)

Annielika said...


SheepMonkey said...


Think from where you started and at what point you are now!

Mariposada said...

No offense SheepMonkey, but with that face I think that you're always being ironic... :/