Thursday, July 12, 2012

10K running schedule and some deep thinking.

This is the new schedule for the 10K.
It's already on my fridge, and today I'm running the 3x5 minutes.

Some of the thoughts that cross my mind when running:

It kind of hurts there/ the horror! /I just ate my hair/ ONLY 10'? it seemed like a decade.../ damn, I'm sweating like a pig... goodbye cellulite!/  I can see the sea!/ I'm going to be alone forever/ did I just ran 4K?/ this shepherd's looking at me, pretend you're looking at your phone/ are all pop songs about casual sex these days?/  kalashnikov!kalashnikov! / are all these gold-buyer shops that pop out everywhere in Europe a new attempt of primitive accumulation of capital? Am I the only one who sees that? / I hope these dogs are tied up/ I'm hungry/ I'm thirsty/ I hate carrying stuff around/ I don't want to run uphill/ will I ever run the Athens classic Marathon? there's a big part that's uphill, I hate hills...

A message for all my followers:
Just that you know, there are so many days that I want to give up. Every one of your kind words of support make me go out the door and run and make me go on in life. I am too shy to tell each one of you.
Thank you all :)


Annielika said...

Hhahahahaha, that is really funny to read Maruska, I guess not that funny when it crosses your mind... But really wow, you are doing so great!

SheepMonkey said...

Plus all this running will help you run away, in other situations, if you know what i mean :D

Andre said...

You are an inspiration to me!

Anonymous said...


Mariposada said...

Thank you guys, you are so great :)

Anonymous, I didn't get your question.