Saturday, August 11, 2012

Cuckoo is running... (drum roll)

... a 10K at the 1st Chios race!
All registered and (not so) ready to go yet. I've covered a 8.5K so far and on Sunday I have a 60' run. Let's see how far that' ll take me...

Click here to check out some photos of the 10K trail!
My camera broke down, so I'll try to borrow one and give a full report when I come back. From what I've seen so far the trail through the old villages looks amazing!

But the road I must travel, its end I cannot see...


Andr� Winter said...

You are quite ready to run 10k actually!

If you ran 8,5, you can do 10k no problem. When trainning for the first marathon most people do 36k in a long trainning, and the 42 only on the race. It is a psycologic thing.

Run cuckoo!

Mariposada said...

It makes sense for the marathon, because it's such a long race, but why the 10K? Do you mean that at the race you get an extra drive to push more? Anyway, I have 20 more days, so anyway I will get to the 10K before the race :)
I'm so excited for this one, and a little stressed... Thanks for all the tips and ego-boost coach :)

SheepMonkey said...

Mariposada said...

Fly Clarice... Flyflyfly!